The men who are taking a stand against 'dude fests'
You might have heard the term "mansplaining", but how much thought have you given to all-male panels of experts expressing their opinions on one subject or another? Possibly not all that much, if you're not a regular at such events, but in recent months increasing numbers of high-profile men have been speaking up against the all-male panel at conferences.
Earlier this month, some of Australia's most-booked male conference speakerscriticised organisers for setting up "dude fests". They pledged to boycott panels that don't include women and set up a website called "No thanks, mate".That's not the only promised boycott. Over the Pacific in America, Sree Sreenivasan, the Chief Digital Officer at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, wrote a Facebook post promising that he will no longer take part in panels that are made up of all men.
Sreenivasan wrote that he was acting on a pledge he had made to his daughter: "I won't speak on any all male panels (one-on-one chats are occasionally OK). Upgraded now to include not ATTENDING all male panels. How do we make this into a mini-movement?"
Another heavily tweeted about subject is that of Britain's upcoming referendum on 23 June about whether or not to remain in the European Union. As part of the public debate ahead of the vote, the Global Diplomatic Forum is this week staging a panel discussion in London with this cast:
The men who are taking a stand against 'dude fests'
Reviewed by Unknown

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